
Calling 100 retail and hospitality and businesses!

Say hello to your FREE recruitment service

Giving you the support you need when you need it most. 

are you in the retail or hospitality sector? 


Then you've been through tough times, tougher than ever before.

And now, just as customers are back... you're hit by the big recruitment crisis.

We've been struck by an amazing resilience shown by businesses like yours and we're going to help.

We've launched the hospitality/retail100 programme.

We'll give yours, and 99 other retail and hospitality businesses the helping hand you need... when you need it most. 

It's yours - a 12 month FREE recruitment service. 

welcome to our FREE
retail&hospitality100 programme


Join our programme – here's what you'll get:

☑ save time
☑ attract the best talent
☑ collaborate with colleagues
☑ know your numbers


wanna know more?

Find out more about the free services you'll get when you sign up to our retail&hospitality programme...

free use of our applicant tracking system for 12-months

You'll get all of this:


Easily publish to job boards

Have all applicants apply online

Arrange interviews (including self-              service interviews)

... and so much more

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your free 2 -hour recruitment audit with our co-founder, Adrian

 Together we’ll review your recruitment process and identify your best route to recruitment success. This will include assessing:


How you write your adverts

Your candidate journey from application    to onboarding

How you shortlist and select applicants      at each stage




free use of our e-learning platform for 12-months

Learn to recruit better. Training courses for recruiters, managers and employees:

Job advert copywriting

Interview skills

Job board advertising

How to avoid unconscious bias

Making sure you’re GDPR compliant

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learn more about our ATS-1