Need your job adverts to attract the talent you deserve? Then it's time to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Scrap the job description and the person specification - we're going freestyle...
...well almost anyway. We have a clear strategy for producing the perfect job advert, it means writing less and saying more. Talking to the candidate and engaging them rather than blathering on about “key accountabilities”. It’s a simple process that’s easy to learn and fast to deploy.
Our job advert copy guide will help you to:
- attract the right candidates whilst repelling the wrong ones
- appreciate what information is important and what you can ignore for now
- how to write a professional advert that is easy to read and engage with
- understand how to stand out from the crowd and attract higher-quality candidates
- create a job advert template that you and your colleagues can use for all future vacancies
Exclusive webinar access too!
In addition to the guide, you'll also have access to our recorded webinar hosted by our Co-Founder, Adrian McDonagh. We'll walk you through the process of building your own advert copy template using the strategy explained in the guide.